Gomersal St Mary's CE Primary School

English - oracy

Speaking and listening skills are fundamental to the teaching of English and also permeate the whole curriculum – cognitively, socially and linguistically. We want our children to develop effective communication skills for the here and now, and also in readiness for later life. Therefore, we are committed to providing high-quality oracy teaching across all subjects.


So much in life depends on being a good communicator. Children who start school with limited communication skills are six times less likely than their peers to reach the expected standards in English at the end of Year 6.  We are aware that children have different starting points in terms of oracy development. Therefore, strong oracy teaching is crucial in improving our children’s life chances. Purposeful talk is used to drive forward learning, and oracy teaching does not happen by accident. Learning opportunities are planned for, modelled, scaffolded and structured to enable all learners to develop the skills needed to talk effectively. 


Oracy progression map

EYFS Progression Skills

Year 1 Progression Skills

Year 2 Progression Skills

Year 3 Progression Skills

Year 4 Progression Skills

Year 5 Progression Skills

Year 6 Progression Skills