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“Let Your Light Shine!” - Matthew 5:16

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BD19 4NA


Mathematics Policy


This policy is underpinned by our Gomersal St. Mary’s Steps to Success:

  • Love – We promote a love of maths within our school and the children understand the impact it has on their everyday lives.
  • Respect – We respect the importance of the subject and its value in the world. We respect each other in all lessons and recognise each other’s unique abilities.
  • Resilience – We let our light shine by demonstrating our ability to keep on trying when we find things difficult and having a “can do” attitude.
  • Friendship – We work together to support each other and we work as part of teams in order to solve problems and discuss reasoning problems.
  • Forgiveness – We forgive our mistakes and we learn from them.


Mathematics teaches us how to make sense of the world around us through developing a child’s ability to calculate, to reason and to solve problems. It enables children to understand and appreciate relationships and pattern in both number and space in their everyday lives. Through their growing knowledge and understanding, children learn to appreciate the contribution made by many people and cultures to the development and application of mathematics.

We aim to provide the pupils with a mathematics curriculum which will produce individuals who are literate, creative, independent, inquisitive, enquiring and confident. We also aim to produce a stimulating environment and appropriate resources so that pupils can develop their mathematical skills to their full potential.

We aim to give all our pupils equal access to the whole mathematics curriculum, ensure that all children experience success, develop mathematical thinking, and enable each child to work independently and co-operatively.


At Gomersal St Mary’s, mathematics is taught in a way that enables children to make sense of the world around them by understanding relationships, patterns and changes in, quantity, space, shape and measure in everyday life.

We aim:

  • To enable our children to be fluent in the fundamentals of maths, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems, so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • To enable our pupils to use their learning to become as independent as possible in their adult lives.
  • To enable pupils to be proficient, competent and confident with numbers, shapes and measures, and to have the ability to solve routine and non-routine mathematical problems.
  • To foster positive attitudes towards mathematics by developing pupils’ confidence in using mathematical equipment and vocabulary, and through developing their mental strategies.
  • To promote enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning through practical activity, enquiry, exploration and discussion
  • To develop logical thinking and reasoning skills through a natural curiosity and investigative approach
  • To promote confidence and competence so that children are proud of their achievements
  • To develop a thorough knowledge and understanding of numbers and the number system
  • To develop the ability to solve problems through decision-making and reasoning in a range of contexts
  • To develop a practical understanding of the ways in which information is gathered and presented
  • To explore features of shape and space, and develop measuring skills in a range of contexts
  • To understand the importance of mathematical skills in everyday life.

Teaching and Learning:

A detailed, structured curriculum is mapped out across all year groups, using the White Rose Hub planning materials.  Each objective is split into relatively small carefully sequenced steps, which must each be mastered before pupils move to the next stage. Fundamental skills and knowledge are secured first. This often entails focusing on curriculum content in considerable depth at early stages.

A programme of high quality curriculum materials is used to support classroom teaching. Concrete and pictorial representations of mathematics are chosen carefully to help build procedural and conceptual knowledge together. Exercises are structured with great care to build deep conceptual knowledge alongside developing procedural fluency.

The Mastery Approach:

The principles and features that characterise this ‘mastery’ approach are:

  • Teachers reinforce an expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving high standards in mathematics.
  • The large majority of pupils progress through the curriculum content at the same pace.
  • Differentiation is achieved by emphasising deep knowledge and through individual support and intervention.
  • Teaching is underpinned by methodical curriculum design and supported by carefully crafted lessons and resources to foster deep conceptual and procedural knowledge.
  • Practice and consolidation play a central role. Carefully designed variation within this builds fluency and understanding of underlying mathematical concepts in tandem.
  • Teachers use precise questioning in class to test conceptual and procedural knowledge, and assess pupils regularly to identify those requiring intervention so that all pupils keep up.


At Gomersal St Mary’s CE Primary School we recognise the importance of establishing a secure foundation in mental calculation and recall of number facts before standard written methods are introduced. We use the appropriate mathematical terminology in our teaching and children are also expected to use it in their verbal and written explanations. As Mathematics is a core subject of the National Curriculum, we use the National Curriculum 2014 as the basis for our implementation of the Programmes of Study for mathematics. Pupils are provided with a variety of opportunities to develop and extend their mathematical skills in and across each phase of education. Teachers will use the end of year statements to identify gaps and to inform their planning to ensure pupil progress.

Mathematics is used in other curriculum areas wherever possible or appropriate. This helps to expand and consolidate mathematical concepts and using maths in a purposeful way in real contexts helps the children to realise that mathematics is important in the real world.

The Maths Hub Schemes of Learning materials (NCETM/Trinity Teaching School Alliance) are used to support the planning of Mathematics. This supports teachers with highlighting the differences between fluency, reasoning, problem solving and deeper learning (greater depth).

The EYFS provide a wide range of areas of provision, each promoting learning opportunities across some or all of the areas of experience. Children develop mathematical understanding through spontaneous, adult led and structured activities. In Foundation Stage 2 children are brought together to discuss ideas about numeracy, reasoning and problem solving, and challenges are then put forward for them to pursue in the areas of provision.

Each week, Years 1-6 have a ‘Calculation Clinic’ lesson linked to either the four areas of calculation, arithmetic or assertive mentoring maths. Children may work in smaller groups focussing on basic skills at year expected level appropriate to their ability. The children are also encouraged to improve children’s mental recall of times tables by using the Times Table Rockstar online program, Sumdog, IDL, and Purple Mash.


The main input lasts for 30 minutes. This happens in a highly scaffolded way, enabling all children to develop critical thinking skills, make mathematical connections and become confident mathematicians. Activities will promote deep mathematical understanding. After a concept has been introduced, children will have the opportunity to practice it. This allows the teacher to support those who are not confident and allows other adults in the room to support the children who may need a little extra support.

At the end of the 30 minutes, the teacher is given time to mark the work to identify the pupils who are priorities in the next session. They will mark all the books and identify the child’s next step. (SDI, WRM) This identifies the groups for the SDI and lasts for approximately 30 minutes. The other children then complete the White Rose Maths sheets. Should a child complete these activities, there are challenges available for the children to either extend their knowledge of the subject, or recap prior learning.

Although this is a typical maths lesson, we know there are times when there needs to be flexibility within the lesson to meet the needs of groups or individual children, for example, mini plenaries throughout the lesson, additional mental and oral sessions, extended main activities, etc.

Teaching of Maths should include a range of styles in order to address the needs of all children, visual, auditory and kinaesthetic, and should also be creative and practical in order to engage the pupils.


Taking a mastery approach, differentiation occurs in the support and intervention provided to different pupils, not in the topics taught, particularly at earlier stages. There is no differentiation in content taught as such, but the questioning and scaffolding individual pupils receive in class as they work through problems will differ, with higher attainers challenged through more demanding problems which deepen their knowledge of the same content. Pupils’ difficulties and misconceptions are identified through immediate formative assessment and addressed with intervention – commonly through the school’s Same Day Intervention (SDI). This may take place alongside the teacher within the classroom or through targeted sessions in a smaller group setting often in the afternoon following the mornings maths lesson.

Resources for the Teaching of Mathematics:

There are a range of resources to support the teaching of mathematics across the school.

Within the classroom resources are readily accessible to children who are encouraged to select materials that are suitable to their task. In the early years this selection of resources will need modelling from the class teacher but as pupils progress through the school they should become increasingly independent in their selection.

Assessment and Monitoring:

Assessment and Reporting Assessment is something that continually happens within the classroom, with day to day observations and discussions with pupils. Children in years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will sit standardised maths tests in December, March and July. This enables teachers to see how children perform under these types of conditions and also support us in our teacher assessment at that point. Children in years 2 and 6 will complete SATs tests in May of each year. Parents will be given a formal report in the summer term on progress so far and will also be informed of the next steps in their child’s learning. There are also 2 formal parents’ evenings over the course of the academic year where progress and attainment can be discussed.

The data collected from these assessments is then discussed at Pupil Progress meetings with the Headteacher where decisions can be made regarding future actions.

Regular book scrutinies and learning walks, as well as formal lesson observations, monitor teaching and learning, and the implementation of this policy.

Calculation support:

Our formal calculation policy links to the concrete, pictoral and abstract method of teaching and ensures continuity in supporting children through their calculations. These documents are used by teaching staff throughout the school and offer guidance for the calculation strategies that are being taught within each year group.

As a school we believe that all students, when introduced to a key new concept, should have the opportunity to build competency in this topic by using the CPA approach (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract).

  • Concrete – students should have the opportunity to use concrete objects and manipulatives to help them understand what they are doing.
  • Pictorial – students should then build on this concrete approach by using pictorial representations. These representations can then be used to reason and solve problems.
  • Abstract – with the foundations firmly laid, students should be able to move to an abstract approach using numbers and key concepts with confidence.

Marking of Mathematics Work:

Children’s written work is marked on completion of a lesson or a task. Children are then sign posted to their next step. This could be in the form of further support (SDI) or a further challenge (WRM).

Upon the completion of these tasks a stamp is used to tell the children if they met their learning objective or if they are working towards their learning objective. The children are also graded on their effort during the lesson using a traffic light system.

Equal Opportunities:

All children have equal access to the mathematics curriculum regardless of gender/sex/SEND or race. This is monitored by analysing pupil performance throughout the school to ensure that any disparity between the groups is minimised and a plan of action devised to improve this.

We incorporate mathematics into a wide range of cross-curricular subjects. In the daily mathematics lesson, we support children with English as an additional language, or with Speech and Language problems, in a variety of ways e.g. repeating instructions, speaking clearly, emphasising key words, using picture cues, playing mathematical games, encouraging children to join in counting etc.

Pupils with special educational needs and individual education plans:

  • Within the daily mathematics lesson teachers provide activities to support children who find mathematics difficult. Children with SEND are taught within the daily mathematics lesson and are able to take part at their level through the support of a teacher/Teaching Assistant and appropriate activities and resources.
  • Intervention Groups will take place at times throughout the year, in order to give further support to children working below national expectations.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Leadership in maths focuses on raising attainment and improving the provision in the subject. Through links to other areas of the curriculum the subject engages pupils and staff so that learning develops and improves.

1.       Subject Leader:

  • Supports teachers in their planning and teaching;
  • Lead by example in the way they teach in their own classroom;
  • Prepare, organise and lead INSET, with the support of the Headteacher;
  • Monitor different aspects of maths teaching and learning feeding back to SLT and staff on findings and future actions.
  • Attend INSET provided by LA numeracy consultants;
  • Be available to discuss with the head teacher, class teachers, parents and numeracy governor the progress of maths in the school.

2.        Primary Maths Specialist:

  • Supports teachers in their planning and teaching;
  • Lead by example in the way they teach.
  • Prepare, organise and lead INSET, with the support of the Head teacher;
  • Monitor different aspects of maths teaching and learning with the Subject Leader
  • Lead TRG groups

3.        Class Teachers:

  • To deliver a Daily Maths lesson to their pupils which is engaging and motivating, is informed by the Maths Framework (2014) and is accessible to all children.

4.       Pupils:

  • To develop their skills, understanding and attainment in Maths through engagement with the lesson, behaviour conducive to learning, independent work and thought and confidence to challenge or ask for help.

5.       Parents / Carers:

  • To support their children’s learning in maths by taking an interest in their child’s progress, encouraging the children to complete maths homework and having a good relationship with the class teacher so that queries and problems regarding maths can be dealt with easily.

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development:

The teaching of mathematics supports the social development of our children through the way we expect them to work with each other in lessons. We group children so that they work together, and we give them the chance to discuss their ideas and results.

Governing Body:

At Gomersal St Mary’s CE Primary School we submit regular reports about the development of Mathematics within the school to the Standards and Effectiveness governors’ committee.

This policy will be reviewed in September 2024